Project views

On this page you will find information about how to create and use Project views:

A Project view is visible to all users in the same Organization they were created in.

Create and configure a Project view

  1. On the right side of the Project listing page, beneath the View Import Log button, select Group by none from the drop-down list.

  2. Click the drop-down next to the FILTERS drop-down, and click Create new view. If you already have filters selected, click Save Changes next to the drop-down and follow the next step.

  1. Enter a name for your Project view in the available field, then click Create view.

Your new view is created and automatically selected. Click the icon next to your Project view to duplicate, rename, or delete it.

  1. In the FILTERS drop-down, select the criteria to organize your view.

  1. After applying all the filters you want, click Save changes next to the drop-down. Your Project view will be updated.

  2. If you want to configure a Project view, select different filters and click Save changes again. You can also discard any changes to a Project view before you save them to return it to its most recent saved state.

View reports on your Projects

  1. From the Project view drop-down, select the Project view for which you would like to view the report.

  2. Next to the FILTERS drop-down, click the See report for these projects button.

The Reports page loads and shows a report of the Projects in your Project view based on the filters you selected.

The scan results you see on the Project listing page will be reflected in the reporting page roughly one (1) hour after the scan is complete.

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