Project collections

On this page you will find information about how to create and use Project collections:

If you move a Project between Organizations, the Project will also be removed from any Project collections it is part of.

Select all filtered Projects that are visible to create a Project collection

  1. On your Projects page, select the Collections tab, and click the Create collection button at the end of the search field.

  2. Enter a name for your collection in the Name field, then click Create collection. Only alphanumerics and the characters -_/:. are permitted in collection names.

  3. You have successfully created a collection that you can populate. You can also create a collection through an empty Collection listing page. Click Create collection to begin.

Add Projects to an existing Project collection using filters

  1. On the right side of the Project listing page, beneath the View Import Log button, select Group by none from the drop-down list.

  2. Using the Filters drop-down, apply the filters corresponding to the Projects you would like to add to a newly created Collection.

  3. Select all of your filtered Projects that are visible on the page using the Select All button beneath the Projects count, and then click Add selected projects to a Collection

  4. Enter the name of the collection you would like to add your selected Projects to and click Add to collection.

  5. Your Projects are now in the collection that you created previously.

Add individually selected Projects to an existing Project collection

  1. In the Projects page, select the Projects that you want to add to a collection, and then select Add selected projects to a collection.

  2. Enter the name of the collection you would like to add your selected Projects to and click Add to collection.

  3. View your selected Projects in your collection.

Manage a Project collection

  1. On your Projects page, select the Collections tab.

  2. For the collection you want to manage, select the three dots next to the collection.

  3. Choose the option to rename or delete the collection.

Perform actions on Projects within a collection

  1. In your collection, use the checkboxes to select individual Projects or the select all checkbox to select all visible Projects in a collection.

  2. You can perform the following actions:

    1. Activate selected Projects.

    2. Deactivate selected Projects.

    3. Add the selected Projects to a collection. In this case, the action will add the selected Projects to another collection that you have created.

    4. Remove selected Projects from a collection.

    5. Delete selected Projects.

This example shows what happens when you click Remove selected projects from a collection.

  1. You have successfully removed the selected Projects from your collection.

View your Project collections on the collection listing page

If you have created a collection or multiple collections, you can view them on the collection listing page.

  1. On your Projects page, select the Collections tab.

  2. You can view all of your collections on the Collections listing page and sort by name, number of Projects, and issue count.

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