Manage users in Organizations

In the Organization where you want to manage users, select the Members menu option.

You must have the permissions required to perform these tasks. For details, see Pre-defined user roles for a list of permissions.

Add users

To add new users to your Organization, click Add members:

You can do the following on the Add members screen:

  • Select Invite new members to send an email invitation to a new user. Enter the email addresses of users to invite, separated by commas, and click Send invite.

  • Select Add existing members to add existing members of your Group to the Organization. Select the users when prompted and click Invite members.

  • For Free plan users only: Select Invite by link to send a link; click Copy link and send the link yourself.

  • Use the New members join as dropdown to define the default role of a user when joining, such as Org admin. For details, see Manage permissions.

For a demonstration of adding users, view this video:

Revoke pending invites

Follow these steps to cancel pending invites:

  1. On the Members page, click the Revoke pending invites link, which appears when there is at least one pending invite.

  2. In the Pending invites in _your organization's name_ modal that appears, click the trash icon next to the name of the user to cancel the invite.

Change member roles

To change the role of a user, click on the Role entry for the member and use the dropdown to select the new role:

For Enterprise plan customers who create custom roles, Snyk prevents users from assigning roles to other users who have more privileges. If you try to update a role, invite a new user, or add an existing user with a role that has more privileges than you have, you will see the error Cannot assign higher privilege role.

Delete Organization members

Follow these steps to delete a member from the Organization:

  1. Click the trash icon next to the user.

  2. Click Delete member from your organization’s name when prompted.

Filter and sort views of Organization members

Filter views

Click the filter icon to expand the filter sidebar and then choose to filter the members displayed by role or authentication method:

Sort views

Click on the column heading to sort user views:

You can sort by name, authentication method, role, and date joined.

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