Manage users in a Group

Release status

Groups available only for Enterprise plans.

See Pricing plans.

Select the Group where you want to manage users and the Members menu option to manage your Group members:

As a Group Admin you can do the following:

You cannot add external users directly to Groups; you must first add them to an Organization, and then to a Group. For more information, see Manage users in Organizations for details.

View Group and Organization members

On the Group members page, you can see all the members associated with your Group, their roles and authentication type, the number of Organizations they are members of, and the date they joined.

There are two standard roles available at the Group level, Group Member and Group Admin.

Group Admins have all Snyk permissions; see Pre-defined user roles. However, being a Group Member does not directly grant the user any rights. To have rights, users must be added as Organization members or promoted to Group Admin.

View individual members

Click the line for each member to view the Group member details for that member.

If the user is a Group Member, you can see the user's role in each Organization where that user is a member. You can also see when the user was added and the user's authentication method.

A Group Member can have different roles in different Organizations. You can filter by role. You can also remove a user from a Group or Organization by using the available delete buttons.

Users with the Group Admin role have access to all Organizations in that Group, with the same access level as the Organization Admin role in these Organizations. You cannot change the role of a Group admin in a specific Organization, or delete a Group admin from one or more Organizations. However, you can remove a Group Admin from the Group using the Remove from group option

Promote a Group Member to a Group Admin

You can promote a Group Member to a Group Admin by selecting the role dropdown next to the user's name and choosing the Group Admin role.

If the user you want to promote to Group Admin is not already a part of your Group, you must first add that user as a member of at least one Organization; see Add Members on the Manage users in Organizations page. The user then appears on the Group members page with the role of Group Member. You can then promote the user to Group Admin.

Delete Group members

To delete a member from the Group:

  1. Click the trash icon next to the user.

  2. Click Delete member from the Group you are managing.

Filter and sort views of Group members

Filter views

On the Group members page, click the filter icon to expand the filter sidebar so you can filter the members displayed by role or authentication method:

Sort views

You can sort by name, authentication method, role, and date joined.

You can sort user views by clicking on the column heading:

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