Snyk SCM Integrations

You can integrate Snyk with your Git repository to quickly and easily gain visibility across all the Snyk Projects that you add to your Projects list.

This page contains information about the following Snyk SCM integration aspects:


When you want to add new integrations to your Snyk account you must first decide the level type at which you want to install the integration. Snyk supports different SCM integrations on different levels of the Snyk hierarchy:

  • Group level - Group level integrations only support Snyk AppRisk Essentials or Snyk AppRisk Pro.

  • Organization level - Organization level integrations support all other Snyk products. Snyk does not support Snyk AppRisk Essentials or Snyk AppRisk Pro integrations at the Organization level.

Group level - Snyk AppRisk SCM integrations

You can customize your Snyk AppRisk integrations from the Integrations Hub where the following SCMs are available:

To set up integrations for Snyk AppRisk, use the Integrations menu at the Group level.

Snyk AppRisk Group-level SCM integrations provide broader visibility into all the application assets for a given customer and pull in the additional application context and, or metadata, for example, information on developers, commits, and so on.

If your SCM instance is not publicly accessible, you must connect using Snyk Broker. For details, see Snyk Broker - AppRisk.

The Integrations page at the Group level shows all active integrations, including any data automatically synced from your existing Snyk Organizations, and provides access to the Integration Hub.

The following supported Snyk data are automatically synced:

  • Snyk Open Source

  • Snyk Code

  • Snyk IaC

  • Snyk Container

Each connected integration enables you to:

  • Pause data syncing

  • Modify integration profiles and configurations

  • Delete the integration

  • Check when the integration was last synced and when the next sync is scheduled.

Wildcard SCM integration

The wildcard integration allows you to use a special character to detect and integrate multiple SCM organizations simultaneously.

The wildcard integration applies to the GitHub and Azure DevOps integrations and offers support when you set them up using Snyk Broker.

You can use the wildcards while setting up your integration using the Integration Hub:

  • Open the Integration Hub menu.

  • Select the SCM tag and search for GitHub or Azure DevOps.

  • Click the Add button.

  • In the Organizations field, add the Organization details by using the * symbol. For example, using *snyk integrates all SCM Organizations that have Snyk in their name.

  • All the Organizations that match with the wildcard, * symbol will be added.

The wildcard, * symbol is considered a living command and will be applied every time you are rescanning your repositories.

Snyk AppRisk integrations ecosystem

You can refer to the table below to verify the availability and compatibility of all integrations for Snyk AppRisk. The integrations are categorized by type, listed by name, and indicated as available or not for both Snyk AppRisk Essentials and Snyk AppRisk Pro.

Using the Integration Hub

Use the Integration Hub page to onboard integrations and populate Snyk AppRisk with data from SCM tools.

See the Snyk Web UI page for step-by-step instructions on how to set up an integration.

After the integration is validated, a card is displayed on the Integrations page, allowing you to enable or disable the connection, edit the settings, or remove the connection from your configuration.

Using Snyk Broker

If your SCM instance is not publicly accessible, you need Snyk Broker. You can install and configure your Snyk Broker using Docker or Helm. For more information about Snyk Broker, see the Snyk Broker documentation, including Snyk Broker - AppRisk.

Enable the Snyk AppRisk flag in your Snyk Broker deployment environment before running the commands.

You can find on GitHub all the updated .json files that include the allowed list of accessible endpoints for the integrations.

Organization level - Snyk SCM integrations

Snyk provides seamless integrations with various source control management systems such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure Repos at the Organizational level. These integrations enable you to automatically scan for vulnerabilities and receive actionable insights to enhance the security of your repositories. By integrating at this level, you can ensure comprehensive protection for all your Projects within the Organization.

Snyk Source Control Manager (SCM) integrations allow you to:

  • Continuously perform security scanning across all integrated repositories

  • Detect vulnerabilities in your open-source components

  • Provide automated fixes

Snyk can integrate with the following SCMs to help you track, monitor, and fix the issues and vulnerabilities in your code:

Workspaces for SCM integrations

This feature is available for GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, Bitbucket Server, Bitbucket Cloud App, Bitbucket Cloud (Legacy), and Azure Repos (TFS) integrations.

The Workspaces feature enables Snyk to ingest a temporary snapshot of repository contents, and all commit metadata through your configured SCM integrations.

For detailed information on this feature, including enablement steps, see Workspaces for SCM integrations.

Deployment order recommendations

If you try to implement all the SCM integration features at the same time, you risk causing friction in your software development life cycle (SDLC), which in turn leads to a poor developer experience.

To ensure a smooth rollout of Snyk across your organization, Snyk provides a suggested deployment timeline consisting of deployment stages, configuration steps, and the desired outcome for each stage.

For detailed steps, see Deployment recommendations for SCM integrations.

User permissions and access scope requirements

Snyk SCM integrations may require different permission requirements based on the connection method.

See the following for detailed permission requirements:

GitHub and GitHub Enterprise permission requirements

For information about token permissions in a brokered integration, see GitHub - prerequisites and steps to install and configure Broker.

The Snyk GitHub Enterprise integration is bound to a single user, preferably a GitHub service account. The level of access for the integration is defined by the combination of the user's permissions in GitHub and the access defined for the Personal Access Token (PAT) on that user's account. If the PAT is defined with more permission than the user's GitHub account, the integration will not be able to use that permission.

The following table details the access scopes required in GitHub for Personal Access Tokens (PAT) and the scopes required for Snyk to perform the required operations on monitored repositories, such as reading manifest files on a frequent basis and opening fix or upgrade PRs. GitHub custom roles are not supported.

A fine-grained PAT requires additional repository access scopes:

  • Administration: Read-only

  • Commit Status: Read and write

  • Content: Read and write

  • Metadata: Read-only

  • Pull requests: Read and write

  • Webhooks: Read and write

  • Members access: Read-only (Organization access scope)

The Administration: Read-only permission on the PAT is crucial for Snyk to identify and list the user's accessible GitHub organizations, a prerequisite for importing a new Project.

Snyk uses PRs to tell GitHub Enterprise that a merge is to occur. To do this, change content is pushed into a branch, which requires the content: write scope. A separate call is then made to create the fix PR, which requires the pull request: write scope. GitHub Enterprise is then instructed to create a PR, merging the change branch into the default branch.

Snyk uses SCM webhooks to:

  • Track the state of Snyk pull requests when PRs are created, updated triggered, merged, and so on.

  • Send push events to trigger PR checks.

GitHub Cloud App permission requirements

The Snyk GitHub Cloud App integration uses role-based access control, meaning access control is not dependent on individual users or their role, it is instead tied to the app entity.

To set up the GitHub Cloud app integration you must be a:

  • Snyk Organization Admin.

  • GitHub Organization Admin.

  • GitHub Repository Admin (if installing through the GitHub UI).

GitHub Server App permission requirements

To utilize the Snyk GitHub Server App you must be using a self-hosted instance of GitHub.

The Snyk GitHub Server App uses role-based access control, meaning access control is not dependent on individual users or their role, it is instead tied to the app entity.

To set up the GitHub Server app integration you must be a:

  • Snyk Organization Admin.

  • GitHub Organization Admin.

  • GitHub Repository Admin (if installing through the GitHub UI).

GitLab permission requirements

The Snyk GitLab integration uses either a personal access token (PAT) or group access token (GAT), depending on the GitLab account tier you are on.

To set up the Snyk GitLab integration you must be a:

  • Snyk Group or Organization Admin.

  • GitLab Owner or Maintainer

A PAT is used for managing personal GitLab projects and requires the api scope.

A GAT is used for managing multiple GitLab projects in a GitLab group and requires the api scope and maintainer role selected from the dropdown. You must be a GitLab Premium or Ultimate account tier holder to create a GAT.

Bitbucket permission requirements

The Snyk Bitbucket integrations use different access control mechanisms to connect with Snyk:

To set up any Snyk Bitbucket integration, you must be a Bitbucket Workspace Admin.

Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Data Center/Server scopes

The following table details the required permission scopes in Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Data Center/Server:

Snyk uses SCM webhooks in Bitbucket to:

  • Track the state of pull requests when PRs are created, updated triggered, merged, and so on.

  • Send push events to trigger PR checks.

Bitbucket Cloud App scopes

The following table details the permissions required for the Bitbucket Cloud App:

Azure Repositories (TFS) permission requirements

The Snyk Azure Repositories (TFS) integration uses an Azure DevOps personal access token (PAT). This token is configured with the specific permissions Snyk needs to access your Azure repositories.

To set up the Snyk Azure Repositories (TFS) integration you must be:

In Azure, the PAT requires the following permissions for Snyk access:

  • Expiry: Custom defined. Snyk recommends choosing a token expiration date that is far in the future.

  • Scopes: Custom defined. Read & write permissions are needed for the Code scope.

Integrated SCM tokens for Snyk Broker

An integrated SCM token is required for Broker client setup. It is used in the -e <SCM>_TOKEN parameter, for example, -e GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx…, to enable access to the SCM. These meet certain permissions needed for the operation of Broker and Snyk Code.

An integrated SCM token can be generated for the following SCM integrations:

GitHub and GitHub Enterprise SCM token

Format: GITHUB_TOKEN= - a GitHub personal access token. Scopes: repo, read:org and admin:repo_hook.

GitLab SCM token

Format: GITLAB_TOKEN= - a GitLab personal access token. Scopes: api.

GitLab account with Maintainer permission.

Azure Repositories (TFS) SCM token

Format: AZURE_REPOS_TOKEN= - an Azure Repos personal access token. Scopes: Custom defined, Code: Read & write.

Bitbucket Server/Data Center SCM token

Format: BITBUCKET_USERNAME=, BITBUCKET_PASSWORD= – the Bitbucket Server username and password or a Bitbucket Server personal access token. Scope: Repository admin.

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