View analysis results from Visual Studio Code extension

Snyk analysis shows a list of security vulnerabilities and code issues found in the application code. For more details and examples of how others fixed the issue, select a security vulnerability or a code security issue. Snyk suggestion information for the issue selected appears in a panel on the right side, including the Description, Impact statement, Path by which the issue was introduced, and suggested Remediation:

The Snyk analysis panel on the left on the preceding screen shows how much time the analysis took and a list of issues with the suggestions found for them.

The icons have the following meaning:

You can filter the issues by setting by using the snyk.severity setting to show severities you want to see. For example, set "snyk.severity": { "critical": true, "high": true, "medium": true, "low": false } to hide low severity issues. You can also apply the setting in the Settings UI.

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