Snyk Open Source-specific CI/CD strategies

These strategies are useful to teams using the Snyk SCA (Software Composition Analysis) testing features.

Use CLI flags like --fail-on and --severity-threshold to customize the failure status for the build task. For more advanced usage, you can use the --json option to generate a JSON file containing the full vulnerability report and set your own build failure status based on the JSON data.

Gradle and Scala

  • For "multi-project" configurations, test all sub-projects. Use this option with the monitor or test command: --all-sub-projects.

  • To scan specific configurations, select certain values of configuration attributes to resolve the dependencies. Use this option with the test or monitor command: --configuration-attributes=.


  • Snyk uses Python to scan and find your dependencies. Snyk needs the Python version to start scanning and defaults to python. If you are using multiple Python versions, use the --command= option with the test or monitor command to specify the correct Python command for execution. An example follows: snyk test --command=python3

  • The file must be targeted. Use the command snyk test

  • If you scan a Pip Project and use the --file= option because your manifest file is not the standard requirements.txt, you must use the following option to specify Pip as the package manager --package-manager=pip.


If you use a .sln file, you can specify the path to the file, and Snyk scans all the sub-projects that are part of the repo, for example:

snyk test --file=sln/.sln


For Yarn workspaces, use the --yarn-workspaces option to test and monitor your packages. The root lockfile will be referenced for scans of all the packages. Use the --detection-depth option to find sub-folders that are not auto-discovered by default.

An example command follows to scan only the packages that belong to any discovered workspaces in the current directory and five sub-directories deep.

snyk test --yarn-workspaces --detection-depth=6

You can use a common .snyk policy file if you maintain ignores and patches in one place to be applied for all detected workspaces by providing the policy path as follows:

snyk test --yarn-workspaces --policy-path=src/.snyk


Some customers have complex Projects, with multiple languages, package managers, and Projects in a single repository. To facilitate this, you can take different approaches:

  • As you build each Project and language, add a directive to run snyk test and target a specific Project file, for example:

    snyk test --file=package.json
  • After you install the dependencies of each Project, make a similar call pointing to the specific artifact, such as pom.xml. This is fast and efficient but can be difficult to scale, especially if you are not familiar with the Project.

  • For most Gradle Projects, using --all-projects works as it invokes Gradle-specific options behind the scenes in the form of: snyk test --file=build.gradle --all-sub-projects when it finds the build file as part of the --all-projects search.

  • Gradle may require additional configuration parameters. If so, target the other artifacts by using --file= for each manifest in the other languages and package managers. You must then use --all-sub-projects and potentially --configuration-matching to scan a complex Gradle Project.

See Java and Kotlin for more information.

Last updated

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