Supported IaC languages, cloud providers, and cloud resources

For environments supported with other Snyk products, see Supported languages and frameworks.

Use Snyk IaC to find, view, and fix issues in infrastructure configuration files for Terraform, Kubernetes Manifests, AWS CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager (ARM), and Helm Charts.

Supported IaC languages

Language support for Current IaC vs. IaC+ is documented below:

Terraform module scanning

By default in IaC+, Terraform modules can be scanned if they are available as local files, that is, present in the '.terraform' directory. To pull modules (using terraform init) and scan them, run the following command:

terrraform init && snyk iac test

Supported cloud providers

Snyk IaC supports scanning the following cloud providers:

Supported resources for cloud scans

For a list of supported cloud resource types, see the documentation for each cloud provider:

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