Add cloud context to your IaC tests

Release status The cloud context feature is available for IaC+ only and supports AWS.

Snyk IaC+ is now in closed beta and is no longer accepting new customers for participation. See Getting started with current IaC for details about the functionality available.

What is cloud context?

The Snyk IaC cloud context feature uses information from deployed cloud infrastructure through IaC+ to suppress certain issues from your IaC tests.

For example, suppose your Terraform configuration declares an Amazon S3 bucket that does not have a public access block, but you have an account-level public access block. Snyk applies the cloud context from your AWS account to suppress false positive issues stating your bucket is not secured by a public access block.

Example results without cloud context:

Test Summary

  Organization: demo-production
  Project name: terraform

✔ Files without issues: 0
✗ Files with issues: 1
  Ignored issues: 0
  Total issues: 15 [ 0 critical, 7 high, 3 medium, 5 low ]

Example results with cloud context:

Test Summary

  Organization: demo-production
  Project name: terraform

✔ Files without issues: 0
✗ Files with issues: 1
  Ignored issues: 0
  Cloud context - suppressed issues: 5
  Total issues: 10 [ 0 critical, 2 high, 3 medium, 5 low ]

The output summary lists the number of suppressed issues, for example, Cloud context - suppressed issues: 5. These suppressed issues are not included in the total issue count, for example, Total issues: 10 [ 0 critical, 2 high, 3 medium, 5 low ].

Currently, Terraform for Amazon Web Services (AWS) is supported.

Snyk IaC can apply cloud context and suppress issues in your IaC test results by Bringing context from Snyk.

Bringing context from Snyk

If you have a Snyk cloud environment, you can leverage what Snyk already knows about your cloud provider account to apply cloud context and reduce false positives in your IaC tests.

Use the --snyk-cloud-environment=<ENVIRONMENT_ID> option with snyk iac test to tell Snyk which cloud environment to use as context for your IaC test.

For example, the following command tests the IaC in the present working directory and applies cloud context from the results of the latest scan for the Snyk cloud environment 93786877-c9f8-0000-1234-abcd1234efgh:

snyk iac test --snyk-cloud-environment=93786877-c9f8-0000-1234-abcd1234efgh

To find your environment ID, see Find an environment ID.

See the IaC+ documentation for information about creating a Snyk cloud environment.

Last updated

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