Manage IaC+ and cloud rules

The name of the rule settings page differs based on the products enabled for your Organization.

If Snyk IaC+ is enabled for your Organization, you can view a list of all Snyk Cloud and IaC rules on the Organization Settings > Snyk Cloud & IaC page.

Each rule links to detailed fix advice on the Cloud Security Rules site.

A rule has a Cloud tag if it applies to Snyk cloud context and an IaC tag if it applies to Snyk IaC. Most rules apply to both. Exceptions include cloud-only rules that check for missing resources, such as SNYK-CC-00168, "CloudWatch log metric filter and alarm should be set for Config configuration changes."

Set custom severity level

To set a custom severity level for a rule:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Snyk Cloud & IaC.

  2. In the Severity settings section, select the tab for the desired cloud provider.

  3. Find the rule you want to update and select the new severity level from the drop-down menu:

Changes take effect for an environment after its next scan.

To reset all custom severities, select Reset Custom Settings.

Filter rules by cloud or IaC+ area

This section applies to Organizations with both cloud and IaC+ enabled, or IaC+ only.

By default, all rules are shown. Under the Product Area section, you can uncheck the Cloud box to hide Cloud-only rules, or the IaC box to hide IaC-only rules.

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