Install the SDK

​Install the SDK using one of these options:

After installation, you can get started writing rules. For details, see Writing rules using the SDK.

After installation, Apple M1 users might encounter the error Architecture not supported: ${process.arch}. To resolve this, first install the Rosetta 2 software by running softwareupdate --install-rosetta.

Install the SDK with npm

Install the SDK using npm.

Prerequisites for installing the SDK with npm

Ensure you have installed the latest version of npm in your local environment, using Node version 10 or later.

Steps to install the SDK with npm

Run this command to install the SDK for local use:

npm install -g snyk-iac-rules

After installation, you are ready to use the SDK. Run the following command to verify that the SDK works:

snyk-iac-rules --help

Install the SDK using the prebuilt binaries

You can download and use the SDK's prebuilt binaries. To download the prebuilt binary, visit the Releases tab on the SDK repository page in GitHub:

After you have downloaded the desired binary archive, open a terminal and run the following commands. Note that these commands assume you are running on an Intel-based macOS and downloading version 0.0.5 of the SDK.

$ tar xzf snyk-iac-rules_0.0.5_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz 
$ sudo mv snyk-iac-rules /usr/local/bin

To verify that you can use the SDK, run:

snyk-iac-rules --help

Install the SDK with Homebrew

From macOS and Linux environments, you can use Homebrew to install the Snyk SDK. The repository for installation is stored in the Snyk GitHub.

Prerequisites for installing the SDK with Homebrew

  • You must have a macOS or Linux environment.

  • Ensure Homebrew has already been installed:

    brew tap snyk/tap

Steps to install the SDK with Homebrew

Install the SDK as follows:

brew install snyk-iac-rules

Install the SDK with the Windows Scoop package manager

From Windows environments, you can use Scoop to install the snyk-iac-rules SDK. The repository for installation is stored in the Snyk GitHub.

Prerequisites for installing the SDK with the Windows Scoop package manager

  • You must have a Windows environment.

  • Ensure Scoop has already been installed:

    scoop bucket add snyk

Steps to install the SDK with the Windows Scoop package manager

Install the SDK as follows:

scoop install snyk-iac-rules

Install the SDK with Docker

You can use Docker to install and run the snyk-iac-rules SDK while writing your custom rules in your local directory. The image is stored in the Snyk Docker Hub repo.

Prerequisites for installing the SDK with Docker

  • Ensure Docker has already been installed.

  • You must have a way to run Linux containers.

Steps to install the SDK with Docker

Pull the Docker image as follows:

docker pull snyk/snyk-iac-rules

Run the SDK by using the following command:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app snyk/snyk-iac-rules {SDK command}

For example, to generate a custom rules template, you can run the following:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app snyk/snyk-iac-rules template -r {rule_name}

More information about the SDK

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