Snyk Code security rules

Snyk Code rules are updated continuously. The list expands continually, and the rules may change to provide the best protection and security solutions for your code.

If you have followed a link for code quality from an IDE, see the language documentation for that information.

This page lists all security rules used by Snyk Code when scanning your source code for vulnerabilities.

Each rule includes the following information.

  • Rule Name: The Snyk name of the rule.

  • Languages: The programming languages to which this specific rule applies. Note that there might be two rules with the same name that apply to different languages.

  • CWE(s): The CWE numbers that are covered by this rule.

  • Security Categories: The OWASP Top 10 (2021 edition) category to which the rule belongs to, if any, and if it is included in SANS 25.

Last updated

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