Error Catalog

Snyk Error Codes

The error codes in the table below describe the codes that you may encounter while working with the Snyk API or CLI. When errors are encountered using the API, they will also have an appropriate HTTP status code. If you encounter errors without an error code, use the HTTP status code to determine the appropriate action.


Fix scenario not supported

Snyk failed to open a fix PR as the scenario is not supported.

HTTP Status: 422

SCM rate limit

SCM rate limit exceeded due to too many requests.

HTTP Status: 429

Unauthorised access

Request failed due to unathorised access. Please read documentation around adding users and permitted roles.

HTTP Status: 403

Help Links:

Unsupported ecosystem

The language or package manager is not supported. Please refer to the supported package managers in the documentation.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Metadata not found

Package metadata not or found or missing.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:

No mature versions found for package

Unable to provide a recommended version as no mature versions were found.

HTTP Status: 404

No recommended version found

Unable to provide a recommended version for package using this policy.

HTTP Status: 404

Package is already at latest version

No newer version found for this package, as it is already to latest version.

HTTP Status: 404

Version downgrade is not supported

Unable to suggest a downgrade for a package version.

HTTP Status: 400

Invalid version

Not a valid version for semver format.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Failed to get pull request attributes

Snyk could not get the custom pull request template attributes, using the given variables and the fetched pr template.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Not found

We could not find your pull request template, have you created one yet? Please check the attached link for instructions on how to setup your pull request template.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:

Failed to compile pull request template

Could not compile your customize pull request template. Please check for syntax errors using the Snyk variables inside the template.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Failed to parse pull request attributes

Snyk could not parse the custom pull request template, using the given variables and assigning them to the fetched pr template.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Failed to load YAML file after substituting Snyk variables

Could not load YAML file after substituting Snyk variables into the custom PR template.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Failed to generate hash for custom PR template

Snyk could not generate hash using the customer PR files and projects vulnIds.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Unable to create pull request template

Snyk could not create pull request template.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Unable to get pull request template

Snyk could not get pull request template.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Unable to delete pull request template

Snyk could not delete pull request template.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Invalid payload

The pull request template payload is invalid.

HTTP Status: 500

Failed to load JSON file after substituting Snyk variables

Could not load JSON file after substituting Snyk variables into the custom PR template.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Failed to render default PR template

Could not render default PR template.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:


Service temporarily throttled

The request rate limit has been exceeded. Wait a few minutes, then try again.

HTTP Status: 429

Server error response

The server doesn't recognize the request method, or it cannot fulfill it. Review the request and try again.

HTTP Status: 501

Help Links:

Client request cannot be processed

The server cannot process the request due to a client error, such as malformed request syntax, size too large, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing. Review the request and try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Server communication error

The server timed out during the request. Check Snyk status, then try again.

HTTP Status: 504

Help Links:

Authentication error

Authentication credentials not recognized, or user access is not provisioned. Revise credentials and try again, or request access from your Snyk administrator.

HTTP Status: 401

Test limit reached

You have reached the maximum number of tests in your Snyk plan. This causes Snyk tests on PRs and CLI to fail. Deactivate Snyk Test on your Project or upgrade your Snyk plan.

HTTP Status: 429

Help Links:

Organization is not part of a group

This error occures when trying to add tags to Organizations that that are part of a Group.

Verify with your Group Admin if the Organization should be in a Group.

If you have more than one Organization, you can set the Organization with which new Projects should be associated by running snyk config set org=ORG_ID.

If you want to override this global configuration for individual runs of snyk monitor, run snyk test --org=ORG_ID or snyk monitor --org=ORG_ID.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Request not fulfilled due to server error

The server cannot process the request due to an unexpected error. Check Snyk status, then try again.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Custom Base Images

Versioning schema does not support tag

The versioning schema used does not support the given tag. Update the versioning schema to include the tag.

Once the tag of the custom base image is correct, the versioning schema must be modified. You can use a different versioning schema that supports all tags in the repository or you can update the relevant properties of the versioning schema.

For example, if the repository currently uses Semver, and a new tag "" needs to be added, then you can use a Custom versioning schema.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Missing required parameter

Provide an ORG ID or GROUP ID.

HTTP Status: 400

Project does not exist

The project could not be found. Check that the project exists, that you have access to the project, and also check that the ID you have provided is the project ID and not a CBI ID.

HTTP Status: 404

Project is not a container image

The project is not a container image.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Unable to retrieve group

The project's org does not belong to a group. In order to use a Custom Base Image, recreate the project and add it to a group or add a group to the org. Note that the group feature is not available to free users.

HTTP Status: 400

The values in the request do not match

The request body ID and the request path ID do not match. Ensure that the values are the same and try again.

HTTP Status: 400

The request body cannot be updated

The request body does not contain any attributes that can be updated. Provide the necessary attributes and try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Invalid pagination cursor

The provided pagination cursor is invalid.

HTTP Status: 400

Unable to sort by version

Snyk was unable to filter by version. Provide a repository filter and try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Unable to update versioning schema

The versioning schema could not be applied to all images in the repository. Therefore, no resources have been updated. Update the provided versioning schema so that all tags in the repository fit the new schema.

HTTP Status: 400

Project is already linked to a custom base image

The project ID provided is already linked to another Custom Base Image.

HTTP Status: 400

No versioning schema for repository

No versioning schema exists for the repository. This image is the first in its repository. Provide a versioning schema that fits the format of current and future images in this repository.

HTTP Status: 400

Unable to apply versioning schema

A versioning schema already exists for repository. Remove the "versioning_schema" property or, if you want to update the versioning schema, use the PATCH endpoint.

HTTP Status: 400

Unable to find custom base image

Unable to find the requested custom base image. Try again, and if the error persists, contact Snyk support.

HTTP Status: 404

Custom base image does not exist

The requested custom base image does not exist.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:

Unable to update custom base image

An internal error occurred while trying to update a custom base image. Try again, and if the error persists, contact Snyk support.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Unable to retrieve project properties

An internal error occurred while trying to retrieve project properties. Try again, and if the error persists, contact Snyk support.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Unable to retrieve image collection

An internal error occurred while trying to retrieve the image collection. Try again, and if the error persists, contact Snyk support.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Unable to create versioning schema

The provided versioning schema is invalid and image could therefor not be created. Provide a properly formatted versioning schema and try again.

HTTP Status: 400


Unable to set environment

The specified environment cannot be used. As a result, the configuration remains unchanged.Provide the correct specifications for the environment and try again.

HTTP Status: 200

Help Links:

Possible inconsistent configuration

You can configure the CLI in different ways, for example via Environment Variables or configuration file. If one parameter is configured multiple times, it is probably unintentional and might cause unexpected behaviour. Review configured environment variables and ensure that everything is intentional. If so, you can skip this check by using --no-check.

HTTP Status: 200

Help Links:

Request to Snyk API timeout

A request to the Snyk API has unexpectedly timeout. Check Snyk status, then try again.

HTTP Status: 504

Help Links:


Analysis file count limit exceeded

This error occurs when the analysis target has a supported file count that exceeds current system limits.

To reduce the file count, use a .snyk file to ignore specified directories or files. Alternatively, use the Snyk CLI to analyze individual subdirectories separately.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Analysis result size limit exceeded

This error occurs when the analysis target generates a result with a byte size that exceeds current system limits.

To reduce the overall result size, use a .snyk file to ignore specified directories or files. Alternatively, use the Snyk CLI to analyze individual subdirectories separately.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Analysis target size limit exceeded

This error occurs when the analysis target byte size exceeds current system limits.

To reduce the overall result size, use a .snyk file to ignore specified directories or files. Alternatively, use the Snyk CLI to analyze individual subdirectories separately.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Analysis target includes a file with a name longer than 255 bytes

This error occurs when the analysis target has a file name length that exceeds 255 bytes.

To be able to scan the analysis target, rename the file to a name that is 255 bytes or less.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Snyk Code is not enabled

This error occurs when Snyk Code is not enabled for the current Organization. Activate Snyk Code and try again..

HTTP Status: 403

Help Links:

Project not supported

Snyk was unable to find supported files.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:


SCM integration not found

Ensure your SCM integration exists and that it is correctly set up.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:


Bad request

The server cannot process the request due to invalid or corrupt data. Review the request, then try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:


Access to the requested resource is forbidden. Review the request, then try again.

HTTP Status: 403

Not acceptable

The server cannot provide a response that matches the provided accept headers. Review the request, then try again.

HTTP Status: 406

Not found

The server cannot find the requested resource. Review the request, then try again.

HTTP Status: 404

Method not allowed

The target endpoint does not support your request method. Review the request, then try again.

HTTP Status: 405

Request entity too large

The request entity exceeds server limitations. Reduce the size of the request entity, then try again.

HTTP Status: 413


The request lacks authentication credentials for the requested resource. Ensure you are sending valid credentials, then try again.

HTTP Status: 401

Help Links:

Unsupported media type

The media format of the request is not supported. Change media format, then try again.

HTTP Status: 415

Open Source Languages & Package Managers

Unable to parse manifest file

The provided manifest file could not be parsed as it has invalid syntax or does not match the expected schema. Review the manifest file, then try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Unable to parse lock file

The provided lock file could not be parsed as it has invalid syntax or does not match the expected schema. Review the lock file, then try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Unknown dependency version

Dependency version could not be resolved.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:

Missing required request header

The server encountered a request that is missing a mandatory request header.

HTTP Status: 422

Payload missing required elements

The server could not process the request.

HTTP Status: 422

Files cannot be processed

The dependency service could not process the files.

HTTP Status: 422

Cannot get file from source

Could not get the file from the source URL.

HTTP Status: 500

Missing environment variable

The server encountered a critical operation that requires a specific environment variable, but the variable is not set or is not accessible within the current environment.

HTTP Status: 500

Brokered connections not currently supported

The service encountered a permissions or credentials error most likely related to an import through a brokered connection for a scanner that does not yet support that.

HTTP Status: 500

Snyk failed to clone your repository

We encountered a fatal error from Git while trying to clone your code using your provided credentials. Please verify that:

  • Your provided credentials are correct or not scoped too narrowly.

  • The branch you've asked us to clone exists.

  • The repository you've provided is accessible from the internet and you are not connected through a broker.

And try the operation again.

HTTP Status: 422

Unsupported manifest file type for remediation

The provided manifest file is not supported by Snyk for .NET.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Target framework not supported

The provided manifest file defines a <TargetFramework> or <TargetFrameworks> that is not currently supported by Snyk's .NET scanning solution.

HTTP Status: 422

Your C# code is missing a static Main function

This error occurs when no static Main method with a correct signature is found in the code that produces an executable file. It also occurs if the entry point function, Main, is defined with the wrong case, such as lower-case main.

In order to fix this issue, ensure that your program has a .cs file that contains a main function, such as

namespace Example
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("hello world");

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

The dotnet CLI is unable to generate a self-contained binary

This error occurs when running dotnet publish --sc --framework <your-target-framework> fails to generate a self-contained binary. Snyk needs to run this command in order to adequately determine the dependency tree for your project. If this command fails, Snyk cannot continue.

Steps to determine why this happened:

  • Checkout a clean version of your project in a temporary folder

  • Run dotnet publish --sc --framework <your-target-framework> on your project, and confirm this step fails.

If this step is successful locally, it is possible that Snyk is running another version of the .NET SDK. To tell Snyk which version of the .NET SDK to use, consider using the global.json solution provided by Microsoft.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

The dotnet CLI was unable to restore from private package sources

This error occurs when running dotnet restore fails to access dependencies stored in a private package source that Snyk does not have access to.

This means that your .csproj file or files refer to a dependency hosted on a private package store or Nuget Artifact Registry defined in your NuGet.config file, such as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <clear />
    <add key="AzureFeed" value="" />
    <add key="" value="" />

In order to allow Snyk to access your private dependency package source, you must supply Snyk with a valid JSON object as a private registry token in the .NET language settings.

You can set up a connection to your private Nuget repository in your Snyk integration settings.

HTTP Status: 401

Help Links:

Missing MSBuild Condition Construct in project file

The dotnet tool was unable to locate the .targets, .csproj or .props file responsible for one or more MSBuild conditions in your project file.

The tool encountered an error like

/path/to/file/project.csproj(33,13): error MSB4100: Expected "$(SomeCondition)" to evaluate to a boolean instead of "", in condition "!$(SomeCondition)".

This means the condition definition is missing in the project file that is currently being restored and in any project linked to it from there.

Snyk can scan only the project files accessible in the current repository or the private dependencies available to Snyk.

For example, if your code has the following structure:

    <SomeCondition Condition="'$(SomeCondition)' == ''">false</SomeCondition>


<Project Sdk='Microsoft.NET.Sdk'>
  <Import Project='..\external-libraries\some-library\project.targets' />
  <ItemGroup Condition='!$(SomeCondition)'>
    <PackageReference Include='Newtonsoft.Json' Version='13.0.3' />

And external-libraries is not a part of your repository currently being scanned, Snyk is not able to find it.

This error occurs when your code depends on external libraries that are added to or generated from your source code using external tools unknown to Snyk or as part of a build step in your build or a deployment pipeline.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

No target frameworks found in manifest files

Snyk was unable to detect any <TargetFramework>s in the supplied manifest files.

If you are using Directory.Build.props files to determine the target framework, ensure that it is named as such. Due to performance considerations on the customer's SCM network, Snyk does not perform case-insensitive searches for .props files.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Your global.json is targeting an outdated SDK version

Snyk supports the latest channels of .NET which is currently supported by Microsoft, but does not guarantee to support all SDK versions within each currently supported channel.

Within the supported channels, Snyk aims to support most, if not all, of the SDK versions currently released under the newest of the channels.

If the channels currently supported by Microsoft are 8.0, 7.0 and 6.0, Snyk will support all of the latest SDKs released for these channels.

If the SDK versions released under 8.0.3 are: 8.0.203, 8.0.202 and 8.0.103, Snyk cannot guarantee to support all of them, but makes an effort to do so. Snyk will support the latest of the SDK versions currently released by Microsoft.

If channel 8.0 is the newest channel currently supported, Snyk cannot guarantee that multiple, specific SDK versions for older, still supported channels such as .NET 6.

Example support matrix


  • .NET channels currently supported by Microsoft are .NET 8.0, .NET 7.0 and .NET 6.0

  • Newest SDK version under .NET 8.0 is 8.0.203



This limitation can lead to scan failures for customers that are pinning SDK versions in their global.json files without a rollForward directive, such as:

  "sdk": {
    "version": "6.0.101"

Since as 6.0 is not the newest .NET channel.

To work around this issue, we recommend that customers employ some flexibility in their global.json file by employing the rollFoward directive to be latestMajor, as such:

  "sdk": {
    "version": "6.0.101",
    "rollForward": "latestMajor"

Which will allow Snyk to scan your code using a newer version of the SDK, despite your version pinning.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Project failed to build due to missing type or namespace references

While attempting to build your solution for scanning, the dotnet SDK was unable to restore one or more projects referenced in your manifest files.

Please note that Snyk runs these builds on a case-sensitive filesystem, meaning that <ProjectReference>../src/NS.Project.csproj</ProjectReference> and <ProjectReference>../src/ns.project.csproj</ProjectReference> are not referring to the same thing.

This can present itself as a problem for customers that are using Mac or Windows build pipeline where file systems are not case-sensitive. In this case, verify you're referring to the right manifest files and check the Snyk import logs for more details.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Failed to access private module

Snyk could not access the private modules within your go.mod files.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Go mod file not found

A go.mod file was not found in the current directory or any parent directory.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

OAuth re-authorization required

Your code is cloned on an isolated environment using Git as it is required by Snyk to analyze its dependencies.

Your Organization has enabled or enforced SAML SSO after you authorized Snyk to access your code, and a re-authentication is therefore required.

The error you're seeing is usually reproducible by attempting to do a git clone of your repository with incorrectly configured credentials. Verify your authentication configuration with your Git cloud provider and try again.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Your project repository is missing required files

Generating the dependency graph requires Snyk to run go list go list -deps -json inside the project. If the operation fails, creating a full dependency graph cannot continue.

This error means that you need some cleanup, (such as go mod tidy) or your project deployment process contains a code generation step such as protobuf or similar that is not currently supported by Snyk.

To verify if this is the case, clone your project in a clean environment, run go list go list -deps -json and verify whether the operation fails.

If Snyk cannot process your code successfully, insert the Snyk CLI as part of your deployment pipeline.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Your project repository has inconsistent vendoring information

Generating the dependency graph requires Snyk to run go list -deps -json inside the project. If the operation fails, creating a full dependency graph cannot continue.

This error means that there is inconsistency between your vendor/modules.txt file and your go.mod file. To remediate, you need to:

  • go mod vendor

  • go mod tidy

Next, commit those changes to your repo. Snyk does not manipulate with your code on our end by design, which is why this is not done automatically.

To verify if this is the case, clone your project in a clean environment, run go list go list -deps -json and verify whether the operation fails. Then try and run the above mentioned commands and see if your SCM system reports changes in files.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Unsupported external file generation

Snyk currently does not support external file generation in your project. This limitation is due to Snyk's lack of visibility into the third-party generator tools you may be using and the specific commands required to generate these files.

Snyk can only work with the files available in your repository and does not have insight into the generation process for external files.

HTTP Status: 422

Unable to access private dependencies

The Go tool encountered a DepsError while trying to download a private dependency. Private repositories that are not accessible to the public internet and are not available on the official Go proxy mirror are cloned with a version control system and built on demand. This requires the VCS to have the correct access rights to that repository.

Snyk supports private repositories that are hosted in the same Organization and on the same Project that is scanned for vulnerabilities. The authentication to the private repository is the same as the authentication used to integrate that repository with Snyk.

This error appears when the authorization credentials do not allow access to the requested private dependency.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Unable to fetch private dependencies

The Go tool encountered a permissions error while fetching one of the private dependencies. Ensure that the integration token you used to sign in to Snyk is properly configured so that Snyk can access the private dependencies.

The Snyk Go integration only supports private dependencies that are used inside the same Organization as the Project you are scanning.

This error appears when Snyk is unable to properly access the authorization credentials for the requested private dependency.

HTTP Status: 401

Toolchain not available

Could not download Go toolchain.

HTTP Status: 500

Missing property

The required property is missing from the pom object.

HTTP Status: 422

Unable to resolve value for property

The targeted property could not be resolved with a valid value.

HTTP Status: 422

Unable to resolve version for property

The targeted property could not be resolved with a valid version.

HTTP Status: 500

Cyclic property detected in POM file

There is circular dependency among properties in the Maven project's configuration file (POM), preventing proper resolution and causing an error.

HTTP Status: 422

Error parsing the XML file

There is an error parsing the XML file. This could be referring to either pom.xml or maven-metadata.xml.

HTTP Status: 422

Invalid coordinates provided

The coordinates provided for a project were invalid.

HTTP Status: 422

Skipping group

Skipping a specific groupId starting due to remapped coordinates.

HTTP Status: 422

Pom file not found

The pom file was not found in Maven repository.

HTTP Status: 422

Missing project from POM

A project element is missing from POM.

HTTP Status: 422

Cannot resolve the target POM from the input XML

Cannot resolve the targeted POM from the input XML.

HTTP Status: 422

Cannot resolve the target POM from the repository

Cannot resolve the targeted POM from the repository.

HTTP Status: 404

Cannot get the build file repository

Cannot get the build file repository.

HTTP Status: 404

Unable to create hosted git info

Cannot create source URL.

HTTP Status: 500

No released version for versions range

There was no version released for the specified versions range.

HTTP Status: 422

Source is not supported

The source used is not supported by fetcher. The supported sources are: github, bitbucket, gitlab.

HTTP Status: 422

Timeout when processing the dependency tree

There was an timeout when processing the dependency tree.

HTTP Status: 422

Cannot reach one or more Maven repositories configured under your Snyk organisations language settings

One or more of the Maven repositories configured under your organisations language settings cannot be reached.

This error can happen for a variety of reasons:

  • If using broker it could be a misconfiguration in your broker client. Double check the username and password.

  • It could be network connectivity between the broker client and Snyk or between the broker client and the configured repository, check your firewall rules.

In order to solve this issue, refer to the specific details of this error message to identify which repository is causing issues.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:

No repository found for A NPM package

No repository found for the NPM package.

HTTP Status: 422

Could not parse NPM registry URL

Could not parse NPM registry URL.

HTTP Status: 422

Could not find a broker resolved URL

Could not find a broker resolved URL.

HTTP Status: 422

Unable to replace broker URL

Unable to replace all broker urls in lock file.

HTTP Status: 422

Bad NPM version

The NPM version is not supported.

HTTP Status: 422

Unknown blob encoding on Github

Unknown blob encoding on Github.

HTTP Status: 422

No result from forked process

No result from forked process.

HTTP Status: 500

Child Process Execution Error

The child process encountered an error during execution.

HTTP Status: 500

No valid package upgrades

The system attempted to find valid upgrades for the packages specified in the lock file, but none were available.

HTTP Status: 422

No dependency updates

There are no available updates for the dependencies.

HTTP Status: 422

Could not parse JSON file

An error occurred while attempting to parse a JSON file.

HTTP Status: 422

Could not Base64 encode

An error occurred while attempting to perform Base64 encoding.

HTTP Status: 422

Could not Base64 decode

An error occurred while attempting to perform Base64 decoding.

HTTP Status: 422

Missing supported file

Could not find supported file.

HTTP Status: 400

Invalid configuration

The configuration parameter does not meet the expected data type. Please ensure the provided value is of the correct data type.

HTTP Status: 400

Out of Sync Error

Sometimes a project may become out of sync between the lockfile and the manifest file. This might happen if the package.json is modified or updated but the pnpm-lock.yaml is not.

This can be resolved by ensuring the lockfile and manifest file are correctly synced, by executing pnpm install.

In some cases, it may be necessary to delete the node_modules folder and the pnpm-lock.yaml and run pnpm install again to force a full reinstall.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Unsupported pnpm lockfile version

The lockfile version is not supported. Supported lockfile versions for pnpm include v5 and v6.

HTTP Status: 422

Yarn package not found

Snyk could not find the package in the Yarn registry.

HTTP Status: 404

Unable to reach package registry

Snyk could not reach the node package registry.

HTTP Status: 503

Lock file is outdated

The lock file is outdated. Update the lock file and try again.

HTTP Status: 409

Unable to read from remote repository

Snyk does not have sufficient permissions to access the repository, or the repository does not exist.

HTTP Status: 401

Unsupported manifest file type for remediation

The provided requirements file is not supported by Snyk for Python.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Received more manifests than expected

Too many manifest files were provided in the request body.

HTTP Status: 422

Failed to apply dependency updates

An error occurred while updating dependencies.

HTTP Status: 422

Python package not found

A package listed in the manifest file cannot be found in the Python Package Index(PyPI). Make sure all packages included in the manifest file are public existing ones.

HTTP Status: 422

Syntax errors found in manifest file

The manifest file has syntax issues like incorrect package names or unsupported characters. Make sure the manifest file follows the syntax stardards and can be installed locally as well.

HTTP Status: 422

Python version not supported

At least one of the packages requires a Python version that doesn't match the one used in the project scan. Make sure to select a suitable Python version from the organization Python language settings. Alternatively, add a .snyk file for Python version selection override.

HTTP Status: 422

Packages versions caused conflicts

Two or more packages have conflicting version requirements that cannot be resolved. Make sure no two packages and their requirements cause conflicts and that the manifest file can be installed locally.

HTTP Status: 422

No matching distribution found for one or more of the packages

At least one of the packages requires a Python version that doesn't match the one used in the project scan. Make sure to select a suitable Python version from the organization Python language settings. Alternatively, add a .snyk file for Python version selection override.

HTTP Status: 422

Packages installation failed

Some packages failed during installation due to missing system dependencies, compilation errors, or other package-specific issues.

HTTP Status: 422

Python version not supported

At least one of the packages requires a Python version that doesn't match the one used in the project scan. Make sure to use the correct python version in the requires section of the Pipfile.

HTTP Status: 422

No matching distribution found for one or more of the packages

At least one of the packages requires a Python version that doesn't match the one used in the project scan. Make sure to use the correct python version in the requires section of the Pipfile.

HTTP Status: 422


Invalid request

The provided request payload is not valid for the selected ecosystem. Please review the API documentation.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Build environment not found

The build environment for the provided context could not be found. Please ensure you have created the build environment first.

HTTP Status: 404

Unsupported Ecosystem

The language or package manager is not supported. Please refer to the supported package managers in the links.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

SBOM Export

SBOM generation export server error

An unexpected error occurred during the SBOM generation. Review the request, then try again. If the error persists, contact Snyk Support.

HTTP Status: 500

Dependency graph error

An unexpected dependency graph error occurred. Review the request, then try again. If the error persists, contact Snyk Support.

HTTP Status: 500

Error parsing dependency graph

The dependency graph cannot be parsed due to an unexpected error. Review the request, then try again. If the error persists, contact Snyk Support.

HTTP Status: 500

SBOM not supported due to project type

Only SBOMs for Snyk Open Source or Snyk Container projects are supported.

HTTP Status: 404

SBOM not supported

Only SBOMs for open source projects are supported (Snyk Open Source).

HTTP Status: 404

Dependency graph request cannot be processed

The server cannot process the request due to incomplete data. Review the request, then try again.

HTTP Status: 404

Authorization failed due to missing API token

The API token is misconfigured or expired. Configure or generate the API token, then try again.

HTTP Status: 401

Help Links:

Client request cannot be processed

The body of the request is empty. Review the request, then try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Invalid dependency graph

The supplied dependency graph was not valid. Review the request, then try again.

HTTP Status: 422

Open Source Unmanaged

Maven search service unavailable

The upstream Maven search service is not available.

HTTP Status: 503

Help Links:

SHA1 not found

Unable to find the coordinates for the provided SHA1. Please verify the data you are sending and try again.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:

PURL Vulnerabilities

Your Organisation is not authorized to perform this action

You likely don’t have access to the features in Beta. To get access, you can request access to features in Beta through your account manager or team.

HTTP Status: 403

Authorization request failure

Unexpected error when authenticating. Try again, and if the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Invalid purl

Make sure that the purl is valid. See the Package URL specification link for further information.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Namespace not specified

You have requested a package type that requires a namespace (e.g. maven group id). Provide the namespace to retrieve the package.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Unsupported ecosystem

The package type is not supported. Check the List issues for a package in Snyk API.

HTTP Status: 400

Purl components required

A list of components of the purl spec is required. The purl did not specify all the required components. Please add the missing components to the purl and try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Unsupported purl components

Remove the unsupported component and retry the request.

HTTP Status: 400

Requested package not found

The package you specified in the purl cannot be found in the vulnerability database. Check the package name, ecosystem, and version, then try again.

HTTP Status: 404

Vulnerability service not available

This issue is unexpected, and the service will recover shortly. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 503

This issue is unexpected and the service should recover quickly if not please contact support

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again, and if you continue to experience issues please contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

This issue is unexpected and the service should recover quickly if not please contact support

An unexpected error occurred with the vulnerability service. Please try again, and if you continue to experience issues please contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Request not processed due to unexpected error

This issue is unexpected, and the service will recover shortly. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Invalid pagination parameters

The pagination limit is > 1 and ≤ 1000, and the offset is ≥0.

HTTP Status: 400

purls exceed limit

The number of purls sent in the request exceeds the limit of 1000 set by the service.

HTTP Status: 400

Number of issues exceeds limit

The number of issues found for the provided purls exceeds the limit defined by the API. Reduce the number of purls sent in a single request.

HTTP Status: 400

Expected distro to be present

The given Package URL does not have a required distro qualifier.

HTTP Status: 400

Help Links:

Unsupported Debian distro

This Debian distro is currently not supported.

HTTP Status: 400

Expected namespace to be present

The given Package URL does not have a required namespace.

HTTP Status: 400

Unsupported vendor

The given Package URL does not contain a supported vendor. Please use one of the listed vendors and try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Unsupported Alpine distro

This Alpine distro is currently not supported.

HTTP Status: 400

Open Source Project Issues

Invalid request

Check the body of your request and try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Unable to return valid API response

This issue is unexpected, and the service will recover shortly. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Failed to process data

This issue is unexpected, and the service will recover shortly. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Failed to store issue data

Check inputs and then try again. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Internal server error

This issue is unexpected, and the service will recover shortly. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Open Source Project Snapshots

Invalid request

Check the body of your request and try again.

HTTP Status: 400

Unable to return valid API response

This issue is unexpected, and the service will recover shortly. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Failed to process data

This issue is unexpected, and the service will recover shortly. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Failed to store snapshot data

Check inputs and then try again. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500

Internal server error

This issue is unexpected, and the service will recover shortly. If the error still occurs, contact support.

HTTP Status: 500


Unable to apply a policy with an invalid configuration

Snyk could not apply a policy whilst executing a test because the configuration for the policy was invalid. You may be able to fix the policy and try again.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:


Error reading manifest

Snyk failed to read 1 or more manifest files. Sometimes things go wrong: a flaky connection, 3rd party services go down and Snyk is unable to read the files needed in order to test your project.

If this happens, you could try:

  • Opening and re-opening your Pull Request / Merge Request, to kick off a new test

  • Removing and re-adding the repo to Snyk

Ultimately, you should contact if the issue persists

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Manifest not found

Snyk uses your project manifest file to analyze your projects for vulnerabilities. When you import a project for monitoring, Snyk scans the project to locate the manifest file and then remembers where that file is. When a project manifest file is moved or deleted, we still try to look for in it in the last known location in order to run tests on commit statuses. If we can't find the file, this error can occur.

If this happens, you could try the following:

  1. Delete the matching project from your account in the Snyk app (UI or CLI).

  2. Now import the same project from scratch.

As during the original import, Snyk scans the project and locates the manifest file.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:

Rate limit hit while testing project

Snyk makes requests to your SCM when testing a project, in order to analyze your projects for vulnerabilities. If we need to make a lot of requests in a short time period, we may encounter third party rate limits, and this error can occur.

If you receive any of these errors, try re-running the tests, by closing and reopening the pull request.

HTTP Status: 429

Out of Sync Error

Sometimes a project may become out of sync between the lockfile and the manifest file. This might happen if the package.json is modified or updated but the lockfile is not.

This can be resolved by ensuring the lockfile and manifest file are correctly synced, by executing npm install or yarn install.

In some cases, it may be necessary to delete the node_modules folder and the package-lock.json and run npm install again to force a full reinstall.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Failed determining project target

An internal error occurred, whereby Snyk was unable to determine the correct target for a given project in your PR Check.

If you receive this error, try re-running the tests, by closing and reopening the pull request.

Ultimately, you should contact if the issue persists.

HTTP Status: 500

Failed to complete the test

A "Failed to complete testing check status" appears in your commit checks when an unknown error occurs while Snyk was trying to test your projects for vulnerabilities or license issues.

If you receive this error, try re-running the tests, by closing and reopening the pull request.

Ultimately, you should contact if the issue persists.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Failed to fetch merge commit SHA

In order for snyk test to run, we need the merge commit SHA from the GitHub. For some reason, we couldn’t get it.

Try closing and then reopening the pull request, or you can Skip the Pull Request Check if it is consistent.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Merge conflict error

Merge Conflict Error is not a Snyk specific issue but rather some issues on your SCM environment. As an example, merge conflicts could happen when people make different changes to the same line of the same file, or when one person edits a file and another person deletes the same file.

To resolve this, you might need to figure out all the merge conflicts on your SCM environment and resolve them to fully remediate these types of errors on Snyk. As a note, this cannot be modified/changed on Snyk's side.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Failed to detect issues

Snyk is always trying to check for new issues and vulnerabilities to keep you safe. We do so by testing on your code on webhook Pull Request events and Push events.

Occasionally you might see a "Failed to detect issues" commit status which may block your PR. This means that we tried to run a test against your changes but unfortunately something went wrong / we encountered an internal problem. If this happens to you try recreating the pull request and if it still occurs reach out and let us know which user, organization and project and commit sha you experienced the issue with on

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

No valid credentials to process PR check

Snyk uses credentials configured on your integration to test your code and to update your PR Check.

If this error occurs, please ensure your integration and credentials are correctly set up, by following the instructions for your SCM here:

HTTP Status: 401

Failed to generate a commit status

Snyk is always trying to check for new issues and vulnerabilities to keep you safe. We do so by testing on your code on webhook Pull Request events and Push events.

Occasionally you might see a "Failed to generate a commit status" which may block your PR. This means that we tried to run a test against your changes but unfortunately something went wrong / we encountered an internal problem. If this happens to you try recreating the pull request and if it still occurs reach out and let us know which user, organization and project and commit sha you experienced the issue with on

HTTP Status: 500


SBOM test error

An unexpected error occurred. Review the request, then try again. If the error persists, contact Snyk Support.

HTTP Status: 500

Organization ID mismatch

The requested organization ID does not match the owner of the SBOM test ID.

This error occurs when the supplied organization ID is different to the one used when creating an SBOM test run. Ensure the organization ID used to make the request is the same as the the organization ID used to create the SBOM test.

HTTP Status: 404

Unable to find SBOM test

Snyk was unable to find the requested SBOM test.

HTTP Status: 404

SBOM test failed

The SBOM test failed and does not have any results.

This error occurs when results for a failed SBOM test are being requested.

HTTP Status: 404

SBOM test results still pending

The SBOM test is still processing and does not have any results yet.

This error occurs when the results for an SBOM test have been requested, but the SBOM test is still being processed.

HTTP Status: 404

Unknown SBOM format

Snyk does not recognize the SBOM file format.

Provide an SBOM document with a supported format.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

Unable to process SBOM input

Snyk is unable to decode the SBOM file. Provide a valid SBOM document and try again.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

SBOM format not supported

Provide a supported format of the SBOM document and try again.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

SBOM analysis failed

Snyk was unable to process the provided SBOM input and is unable to scan it for issues.

HTTP Status: 422

No testable packages found

The SBOM document you provided does not contain any packages supported by Snyk vulnerability analysis, or it does not contain any package.

HTTP Status: 422


Integration type not supported

The integration you provided does not support SCM repository access.

HTTP Status: 500

Help Links:

Revision cannot be resolved

Snyk was unable to resolve the SCM revision you provided. Provide a valid revision, either a full commit ID or an existing commit reference.

HTTP Status: 422

Integration authentication failed

Snyk was unable to authenticate with your SCM provider. Ensure you are using valid credentials for the Snyk integration.

HTTP Status: 401

Integration authorization failed

Snyk was unable to authorize with your SCM provider. If your Organization has SAML SSO enabled or enforced, re-authorize the OAuth Application Snyk.

HTTP Status: 401

Too many files

Snyk was unable to retrieve the repository because the overall file count exceeds the limit of 40000.

To reduce the file count, use a .snyk file to ignore certain directories or files. Alternatively, analyze individual work subdirectories separately.

HTTP Status: 500

Repository size too large

Snyk was unable to retrieve the repository because the size of the repository exceeds 15 GB.

To reduce the overall size of the repository, use a a .snyk file to ignore certain directories or files. Alternatively, analyze individual work subdirectories separately.

HTTP Status: 500


Target not found

Snyk was unable to resolve the imported target. Ensure that Snyk created the target and try again.

HTTP Status: 404

Help Links:

No unique target found

Snyk was unable to resolve a single target. Snyk found multiple targets configured for the same integration and repository URL pair. Ensure a unique target exists.

HTTP Status: 422

Help Links:

--- Generated at 2024-10-01T08:54:40.028Z

Last updated

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