Legacy Reports Summary tab

The main dashboard of the Reports area displays a birds-eye view of all of the issues (vulnerabilities and licenses) found across all of your projects, presenting data for these specific areas:

  • Security issues

  • License issues

  • Your overall project activity—a summary of all of your projects, tests and issues

Data in each tab appears based on the filters you've applied from the top of the Reports area, as well as the Group or Organization that you're viewing from.

To quickly view additional data for a specific period in time, hover over the relevant graph and check out the pop-up.

Summary tab elements

The following table describes the different parts of the Summary area:


For the Activity area, the following are the parameters and their descriptions:

Filtering results

If you have lots of Projects files to manage and organise in your Organization, you can use filters to focus on specific Projects, or specific types of vulnerability:

For example, if your Organization represents your development team, and you want to focus on (say) front-end work in the next Sprint, click the Projects dropdown and select a subset of the front-end Projects to scan, allowing you to focus on fixing vulnerabilities in that area.

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