Create a security policy and rules

To create a new security policy, navigate to Policies in your Group menu, and in the Policies manager, expand the Security policies category and click Add new policy. For details, see View policies.

Select Snyk Default Security Policy to change the conditions or actions for a security policy that applies to all Projects in all Organizations in the Group.

Security policies are applicable to Snyk Open Source and Snyk Container Projects.

Rules, conditions, and actions

Security policy rules are in the “if, then” format with one or more conditions and an action. An example follows:

When you create a new security policy, the first blank rule is created automatically.

Select the conditions and actions to complete a rule. See Security policy conditions and Security policy actions for details.

  • To add a new blank rule, click on the plus sign beneath the previous rule.

  • To delete or duplicate a rule, click the three dots at the top right of the rule box.

The order of the rules you create sets the precedence. If there is a conflict, the rule closest to the top takes precedence over any subsequent rules.

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