Decide SSO access

Deciding Single Sign-On (SSO) settings

For more information on SSO, see Using Single Sign-On (SSO) for authentication

While it is common for the initial pilot or trial team to use personal authentication, before rolling Snyk out to users, you should implement SSO, including the following:

  • Creating appropriate SSO accounts and promoting those accounts to Administrator

  • Removing the personal accounts from Snyk before rolling it out to a wider group.

SSO provisioning options

When you are setting up access for new users in your company, there are several approaches to consider that determine the user experience and access. In this step, consider Open To All or Require an Invite, and if Custom Mapping is desired.

For more information, see Choose a Provisioning Option.

The Custom Mapping feature is available exclusively with paid services. This feature allows you to provision user accounts with customized rules, tailoring access and roles based on specific needs. Keep in mind that this feature may involve complex configuration and setup, and it is recommended for organizations with advanced specific access management requirements.

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