Create rollout plan

Every business is different. If your teams have already used security tools and are in a heavily compliance-focused industry, controls may be turned on relatively more quickly. However, if security as part of development is new, rolling out tools and controls in phases is strongly suggested.

Suggested onboarding approach

When you are introducing Snyk to your business, Snyk suggests the following phased rollout after implementing access by SSO and configuring integrations.

1. Kick off with a pilot team

Start by selecting a small group of engaged pilot users from:

  • Application security teams

  • Project teams building new applications

  • Developers of business-critical applications

This allows you to:

  • Thoroughly onboard initial users

  • Gather feedback to refine processes

  • Identify issues before the broader rollout

  • Build success stories to promote Snyk

Typically, within a large enterprise, importing everything using a repository integration for visibility and working through the rollout with a small pilot team allows you to identify the best processes and ways to implement Snyk within your environment.

2. Gain visibility with Git repository integration

Next, set up Snyk integrations across your Git repositories to gain broad visibility into your security posture.

To reduce noise, turn off notifications before import if you have onboarded all your users.

Key advantages of using this process are:

  • Widespread scanning across your codebase

  • Automatic scanning triggered on code changes

  • Convenient way to gain coverage

3. Prioritize key applications

Have your pilot team focus on securing priority applications using targeted Snyk CLI scans.

Key advantages of using this process are:

  • Enhanced visibility into critical apps

  • Fine-tuned CLI testing for precision

  • Removing repo noise for a focused view

4. Expand access

With priorities addressed and processes refined, start expanding access more broadly across teams.

This phased approach allows thoughtful onboarding while rapidly gaining visibility and control.

5. Turn on gating

After the first month, gradually turn on gating measures.

  • Implement Pull Request/Merge Request Checks using criteria such as severity and is fixable.

  • Fail builds based on criteria such as High or Critical, CVSS, Mature Exploit for Open Source, and other criteria using the Snyk Filter plugin.

It is recommended to start with a few applications, especially during the pilot team phase, work through the processes, and then roll out more widely.

Exception handling

Ensure there is an exception process in place and users are aware of it. For example:

  • If a pull request/merge request is failed by Snyk, let the users know who ithe Snyk admin is who can override it.

  • Similarly, if Snyk fails in CI/CD, let users know who can create an ignore rule, or authorize the build to progress, or configure CI/CD to run without the Snyk test or set it to monitor only.

Last updated

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