Azure Repos - install and configure using Docker

Feature availability

Snyk Azure Repos are available only for Azure DevOps/TFS 2020 or above.

Before installing, review the prerequisites and the general instructions for installation using Docker.

This integration is useful to ensure a secure connection with your on-premise or cloud Azure Repos deployment.

Configure Broker to be used with Azure Repos

To use the Broker Client with Azure, run docker pull snyk/broker:azure-repos. Refer to Azure Repos - environment variables for Snyk Broker for definitions of the environment variables.

If necessary, go to the Advanced configuration page and make any configuration changes needed, such as providing the CA (Certificate Authority) to the Broker Client configuration if the Azure Repos instance is using a private certificate, and setting up proxy support.

Docker run command to set up a Broker Client for Azure Repos

Copy the following command to set up a fully configured Broker Client to analyze Open Source, IaC, Container, Code files, and Snyk AppRisk information for one Azure organiztion. Enable Snyk AppRisk to identify your application assets, monitor them, and prioritize the risks.

Note that if you have more than one Azure organization, you must deploy a Broker for each one. Snyk AppRisk is set by default to false. Enable it by setting the flag to true.

docker run --restart=always \
           -p 8000:8000 \
           -e BROKER_TOKEN=<secret-broker-token> \
           -e AZURE_REPOS_TOKEN=<secret-azure-token> \
           -e AZURE_REPOS_ORG=<org-name> \
           -e AZURE_REPOS_HOST=< (no http/s)> \
           -e PORT=8000 \
           -e BROKER_CLIENT_URL=<http://broker.url.example:8000 (dns/IP:port)> \
           -e ACCEPT_IAC=tf,yaml,yml,json,tpl \
           -e ACCEPT_CODE=true \
           -e ACCEPT_APPRISK=true \

As an alternative to using the Docker run command, you can use a derived Docker image to set up the Broker Client integration. See Derived Docker images for the environment variables to override for the Azure Repos integration.

Start the Broker Client container and verify the connection with Azure Repos

Paste the Broker Client configuration to start the Broker Client container.

Once the container is up, the Azure Repos Integrations page shows the connection to Azure Repos and you can Add Projects.

Basic troubleshooting for Broker with Azure Repos

  • Run docker logs <container id> to look for any errors, where container id is the Azure Repos Broker container ID.

  • Ensure relevant ports are exposed to Azure Repos.

  • Make sure that file permissions for the local path to the accept.json file, as well as the accept.json file itself, are correct and accessible.

Last updated

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